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Drought Displacement Monitoring Dashboard (June 2022)


In June 2022, 112,448 people were displaced by drought, a 231 per cent increase compared to May 20221 .
This significant increase of displacements was driven by Banadir region, which received 60 per cent of the new arrivals. This was in contrast to May 2022 when the two most affected regions were Togdheer and Banadir regions with respectively 26 per cent and 22 per cent of the new arrivals.

During the reporting period, and as in May 2022, new IDPs in Banadir region originated from Lower Shabelle (60 per cent) followed by Bay region (31 per cent) and Bakool (9 per cent) regions.

As reported by PRMN on June 9, these new arrivals into Banadir region may be households who could not travel at the onset of the drought. Factors delaying movement included the hope for rain and support, and the fear of arrest and the lack of transportation.2 Banadir excluded, main new arrivals have been observed in Lower Shabelle (6 per cent), Sool (6 per cent), Togdheer (5 per cent), Gedo (4 per cent) and Mudug (4 per cent) regions.

On average 72 per cent of the movements were inter-regional. These displacement patterns were opposite to May 2022 when 64 per cent of the movements were intra-regional. This shift was driven by the majority of IDPs exiting their region of origin to reach the capital region.

The data in this snapshot comes from the Protection and Return Monitoring Network (PRMN) and is collected through Key Informant interviews.

As a result, the findings should be considered as estimates. The significant increase in movements observed in January 2022 could be related to the interconnectivity between conflict and drought-induced displacement. For example, while data collectors may have identified drought as the primary cause of displacement, conflict was certainly a factor as well.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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