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Deyr Flooding 2019 – WASH Situation Report #2 11th November 2019



• An estimated 45,500 families (273,000 people) have been displaced by the flood according to the Belet Weyne flood task force. To cover acute needs, at least 3,000 emergency latrines, provision of household water treatment products and hygiene promotion and kits distribution for more than 200,000 individuals is required.
• 6,000 households have been impacted by flooding in Jowhar and Mahaday (Middle Shabelle), of whom 2,320 households were displaced to other areas within both locations. Approximately 300 latrines were destroyed. Rehabilitation of destroyed sanitation and water facilities, household water treatment, hygiene promotion and kits distribution are required.
• 39,000 individuals were affected by the floods in Berdale. Immediate WASH needs of affected communities are yet to be addressed including emergency provision of safe water, rehabilitation of 780 communal latrines, rehabilitation/disinfection of 40 shallow wells and 2 damaged boreholes.
• Out of the 435 IDP sites in Baidoa hosting 51,322 households, 42 IDP sites hosting 4,683 households were again affected by the latest flash flooding that occurred on November 5th (CCCM). Since the start of Deyr 2019 rains, a total of 1,285 latrines have either being collapsed or severely damaged in Baidoa. Rehabilitation and construction of emergency sanitation facilities is required as open defecation is already apparent in most affected locations. Affected IDP settlements are also in need of safe water, hygiene promotion and hygiene kits.
• 4,500 households were affected by floods in Qansax Dheere town, of whom 500 families were displaced to high ground areas within the town as per local authority. An estimated 200 latrines were destroyed by the floods and require desludging and repair.
• 9,000 individuals were affected by the flash floods in Xudur in last week of October 2019. So far, 14 latrines and 4 shallow wells were seriously damaged and must be rehabilitated.


• 28,000 households are receiving emergency water trucking in Belet Weyne district while 35,500 are benefitting from the construction of 708 emergency sanitation facilities in the evacuation sites.
• 49,327 hygiene kits, enough to support 295,962 people for three months, have been released from WASH Cluster UNICEF-supported Regional Supply Hubs in South Central Somalia.
• In BeletWeyne, UNICEF and its partners are conducting hygiene promotion activities, household water treatment and hygiene kits distribution targeting 30,000 individuals. UNICEF is currently disinfecting 12 key water points to restore access to safe water to 10,000 individuals.