Opening Remarks & Introduction Discussion
Mahbub Rahman, Co-Chair of the CEA TF, welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed his gratitude for their attendance. He shared the agenda and encouraged active participation and contributions to the discussion. Participants introduced themselves in the chat box.
General Updates (Co-chair, CEA TF) and Updates from Partners Discussion
• Introduction of new CEA TF IM The new Information Management Officer, Ashek Mahmud, for CEA TF has been onboard. He introduced himself and requested support from CEA TF members. He reminded members to share their monthly reports on time. He also requested partners to submit the contact information for the focal point/alternative mailing list by 31 October. He announced that an IM orientation session will be held on 04 November and invited all IM colleagues from CEA TF member agencies to participate.
• HCT Retreat: Transformative approach for CEA In an effort to enhance the community-centric nature of the Somalia response and strengthen the community engagement approach, discussions are currently underway at the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) level regarding potential transformations. The global Flagship Initiative, which has been piloted in four countries, is being considered by the HCT for integration into Somalia’s response. A HCT retreat is scheduled for 29 October, where extensive discussions on community engagement will take place. The CEA TF has been invited to participate, and the CEA TF Co-chair will represent the task force. He will emphasize the significance of CEA/AAP mainstreaming and explore approaches that can be incorporated into the humanitarian response operations.
• Capacity Building on AAP for SNFI Cluster The CEA TF extends technical support to various clusters and agencies. In line with this mandate, the Shelter and NFI Cluster requested the CEA TF to conduct a training session for their partners on CEA mainstreaming. This training took place at the beginning of October and aimed to enhance the capacity of Shelter and NFI partners in integrating community engagement and accountability into their operations. The CEA TF Cochair has facilitated a session on this issue.
• Partners to share updates on their CEA initiatives. WFP: Paul provided an update on his recent support to the Food Security Cluster. He reported that during the first week of October, a workshop was organized by WFP to orient all regional and state coordinators and to plan for 2025. During this workshop, Paul discussed community engagement and AAP, highlighting current activities and emphasizing the need for partner participation. Following the workshop, Paul facilitated a webinar organized by the food security cluster for all partners across the country, which was attended by 105 participants. The webinar focused on strengthening community engagement and AAP, best practices etc. Talk to Loop: Alex shared an update on behalf of Talk to Loop, mentioning that the platform has resumed its operation. They are currently receiving 80-100 feedback submissions each day, including sensitive reports. Talk to Loop is working on integrating with SDC implementing partners over the coming months and is also looking forward to integrating the technical standards of the CFM aggregator model. PSEA Network: Ephraim from the PSEA Network reported that they are conducting a joint risk assessment, supported by UNICEF and WFP. The consultant hiring process is ongoing, and upon approval from the Government of Somalia, they will commence the data collection process. CEA TF partners were requested to participate when the survey is launched.