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Community Engagement and Accountability Task Force, Somalia - Monthly Coordination Meeting Minutes (24th September 2024)


Agenda Opening

Remarks & Introduction Discussion

Mahbub Rahman, Co-Chair of the CEA TF, welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed his gratitude for their attendance. He shared the agenda and encouraged active participation and contributions to the discussion. Participants introduced themselves in the chat box.


General Updates (Co-chair, CEA TF) and Updates from Partners Discussion

• CFM aggregated model: Q2 analysis of feedback data The aggregator model has been finalized, and the technical standard was endorsed by the HCT in May 2024. The analysis of feedback data for the first quarter (January-March 2024), was also published in May 2024. For the second quarter (April-June 2024), the feedback data collection process is ongoing, and the analysis will be conducted accordingly. The template has been circulated to all partners. Those who have not yet shared their feedback data using the provided template are requested to do so by 25 Sep. The names of the agencies that share their data will be mentioned in the report. The CEA TF plans to present this report at the TF meeting, as well as to other clusters, including the ICCG and HCT.

• Updating CEA TF Contact list An update on the CEA Task Force contact list has been provided, including the ongoing collection of contact lists from partners. The importance of submitting this information for coordination purposes has been emphasized- it is crucial for identifying focal points within organizations for efficient communication on various issues. Some partners have already shared their contact lists. Anita has sent an email reminder to ensure the completion of the contact list, those who have not yet submitted are requested to submit immediately.

• CEA TF Monthly report The monthly reporting practice was initiated in June 2024. However, the number of agencies reporting remains very low. The CEA TF shares the reporting tool at the beginning of each month, and partners are requested to submit their reports using the provided template. The TF team is developing an interactive dashboard based on the received data, which will also be published on the website. Once the dashboard development is completed, it will be presented at the Task Force meeting.

• CEA TF website The CEA TF has a dedicated page on the reliefweb website, which is currently under construction. This page will contain TF-developed documents, communication resources, informational products, meeting minutes, and other relevant materials. This will allow anyone to browse the page at their convenience and download the necessary documents.