12 Countries
109,442 Cases
1708 deaths
1.6% CFR
More than 109,442 cholera / AWD cases and 1708 deaths (Case Fatality Rate: 1.6%) have been reported in 12 of 21 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) since the beginning of 2017. These countries include; Angola, Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Of the countries reporting, Somalia accounts for 71.8% of the total cases reported in 2017, followed by South Sudan at 15.8%.
Currently, 10 out of the 21 countries in ESAR reported active transmission of cholera / AWD (Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia), with Zambia and Tanzania reporting the highest number of new cases (217 cases and 216 cases respectively).Of the 10 countries, Zambia recorded the highest CFR at 2.4% in 2017, followed closely byTanzania and Kenya at 1.8% each.
Zambia: There has been an increase in the epidemic trend over the last two weeks. During week 49 (week ending 10 December 2017), 217 new cases including 11 deaths (CFR:5.1%) were reported in the country compared to 149 cases including 2 deaths reported in week 48 (week ending 3 December 2017). These new cases emerged from Lusaka, Chongwe, Rufunsa and Shibuyunji districts (in Lusaka Province); Ndola district (in Copperbelt Province); and Kapiro Mposhi district (in Central Province).
Tanzania: During week 48, 216 new cases including 8 deaths (CFR: 3.7%) were reported; compared to 117 cases including 4 deaths (CFR 3.4%) reported in week 47 (week ending 26 Nov 2017). New cases emerged from Mbeya, Tanga, Katavi, Songwe, Dodoma, Rukwa and Ruvuma regions. Ruvuma region which was previously not affected by the oubreak, accounted for close to two thirds (133 cases)of all the new cases reported in week 48. All the 8 deaths emerged from Ruvuma region.
Mozambique: The cholera outbreak flared up over the last two weeks. During week 49, 75 new cases were reported; compared to 155 cases reported in week 48. New cases emerged from Memba, Erati and Nacarroa districts in Nampula province.
Kenya: During week 49, 44 new cases were reported compared to 50 cases reported in week 48. New cases emerged from Nairobi, Garissa, Mombasa, Wajir, Embu, Kirinyaga and Kwale counties.
Somalia: A decline in epidemic trend. During week 49, 12 new cases were reported; compared to 22 cases reported in week 48. These new cases emerged from Togdheer and Sool regions.
South Sudan: During week 47, 20 new cases were reported; compared to 28 cases including 1 death (CFR: 3.6%) reported in week 46. Most of the cases emerged from Juba and Budi counties Uganda: During week 48, 14 new cases were reported; compared to 12 cases including 1 death (CFR; 8.3%) reported in week 47. The new cases emerged from Kasese district in South Western sub-region. Malawi: 3 new cases were reported in week 49. The cases emerged from Karonga district and the index case is reported to have come from a neighbouring district in Tanzania
Burundi: 3 new cases were reported in week 48. These cases emerged from BDS nord.