Executive Summary
This is the fifth report from the 2022/2023 Nutrition and Mortality Motioning System project. This sentinel site data collection continues to provide periodic data on the evolution of the crisis and the adequacy of the humanitarian response.
Overall, the progress seen in the last round has stalled, with little improvement in many of the main health and nutrition indicators and deterioration in some areas.
Between February 27th and March 22nd, 2023, data was collected from 3,678 IDP households in 35 sites in Khada and Daynille in the Afgooye Corridor, Baidoa, Diinsor,
Galkayo, Kismayo, and Dollow.
The predominant water source varied by location with public taps the most frequent in Kahda, Galkayo, and Dollow, while tankers continued to be important sources in Baidoa,
Daynille, Kismayo, and Dollow. Water vendors/donkey carts continued to predominate in Dinsoor with an increasing reliance on ‘other’ water sources. The use of water from tankers has decreased somewhat since round 4 but they still provide water for a substantial proportion of households in the sites where they are used.
Drinking water adequacy has remained fairly constant or improved in Kahda, Dayniile,
Galkayo, and Kismayo. However, a striking deterioration in drinking water adequacy was reported from Baidoa where 26% of households reported they always have inadequate drinking water. A similar but less severe deterioration was also reported from Dinsoor.
Field investigation to determine the reasons for the marked deterioration and find solutions are urgently needed.
The trend in acute malnutrition prevalence indicates that the steady improvement observed up to Round 4, has now stopped and an uptick in prevalence is observed in most areas. In both Kahda and Dinsoor, the prevalence has crossed back into the highest category of severity (≥15%). While the situation has improved in Kismayo, this area, along with Galkayo and Dollow, still lie in the serious-critical category with a prevalence between 10 and 15%. This data provides a strong warning that the situation remains highly fragile and the IDP population is vulnerable. Overall, malnutrition programme coverage in Round 5 was similar to that seen in round 4, with an overall fall in MAM treatment coverage but an increase in SAM treatment. The target coverage of >90% has been achieved for MAM or SAM treatment in Dinsoor, but remains below standard in all other sites.
Coverage of health record cards remains low, with only 4 out of every child having one, and this will therefore continue to impede the delivery and monitoring of essential child health and nutrition services. Coverage is particularly low in Dinsoor and Dollow.
Measles vaccination coverage slightly improved, overall, since Round 4, with an increase of 2.7 percentage points. A marked improvement in coverage was seen on Galkayo which has now reached the 90% target. However, there is still a need for further measles vaccination campaigns as coverage remains below 90%.
There was no change in the two-week period prevalence of suspected measles and little overall change in the prevalence of AWD, although cases have doubled in Dayniile.
There was a continued fall in death rates during the Round 5 recall period. Both CDR and U5DR remain below emergency thresholds.