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Between a shock and a hard place

How BRCiS builds resilience in Somalia despite unprecedented challenges.

In 2017, communities in Somalia faced their fourth failed rainy season in a row and the worst food security situation since 2011’s lethal famine. When rains came in 2018, they brought hope for respite, recovery, a chance for families and communities to rebuild what was lost.

At the close of BRCiS 1 and heading into BRCiS 2, government, civil society, and communities were optimistic that, with such a major shock behind them, the next four years could be focused on the future. This would enable them to regain stability, expand their livelihoods, improve integrated basic services, and build a supportive environment to enable longer term resilience.

Unfortunately, Somalia, the Horn of Africa, and the world would face a very different reality.

Read the report Between a shock and a hard place here.