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Benadir Regional Administration committed to delivering durable solutions to displaced people in Mogadishu

Benadir Regional Administration committed to delivering durable solutions to displaced people in Mogadishu

This week the Benadir Regional Administration (BRA) officially started implementation of a €13.3 million project funded by the European Union to assist displaced people to integrate into communities, which will be carried out in partnership with UN agencies and NGOs. This EU-funded project, directly aligned with the National Development Plan of Somalia, will benefit displaced people and host communities alike, through the provision of employment opportunities and greater access to basic services such as affordable housing, protection, GBV prevention, legal assistance and improved livelihood opportunities. In total, it is expected that more than 84,000 people will benefit from this project.

“With this project, the EU shows the importance that it attaches to affording opportunities to people who have been forced to leave their homes because of conflict or drought. I would like to commend the solidarity and generosity of the Benadir Regional Administration. We fully support its belief of the economic and social benefits that displaced people can bring to the communities hosting them" - Pilar Palmero, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Somalia.

“Every stakeholder needs to be mindful that empowering the lowest levels of formal governance in the management of settlements is paramount" - Thabit Mohamed, Mayor of Mogadishu and Governor of Benadir Regional Administration.

"This is particularly important for marginalized groups as it can strengthen governance linkages that connect IDP settlements to the districts, and districts to the municipality, ensuring good practices for planning and delivery in these settlements" - George Conway, Country Director, UNDP Somalia.

Displacement crisis and much needed response

Displacement from rural to urban areas due to drought and conflict has placed considerable strain on Somalia, with Mogadishu hosting the largest concentrations of IDPs in the country. More than 400,000 IDPs were based in Mogadishu prior to the drought, and the urban area has received nearly 200,000 newly displaced by drought and conflict over the past year. The displaced are struggling to get access to water, food, basic services, protection, secure housing and livelihood opportunities.

The project is implemented by a UN-Habitat-led consortium that includes UNDP, UNHCR, CESVI and local organisations SWDC and SIDO.


This project is part of the €50 million RE-INTEG Programme funded by the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The initiative is part of the Regional Development and Protection Programme for the Horn of Africa (RDPP), which is coordinated by the Netherlands. RDPP also invests in durable solutions in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan.

For More Information


Anders Djurfeldt, EU Delegation to Somalia,

Teresa Del Ministro, UN-Habitat Somalia,

Selene Biffi, UNDP Somalia,

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