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Baseline Assessment Findings For Somali Cash Consortium's (SCC) Shock-Based Cash Assistance To Vulnerable Communities in Somalia, July 2024



  • More than half (53%) of the assessed households (HHs) were found to be severely food insecure, while an additional 42% were moderately food insecure. Notably, Doolow and Afmadow had the highest proportions of households experiencing severe food insecurity, with Doolow at 95% and Afmadow at 91%.
  • The ECMEN indicator reveals that a mere 7% of the assessed HHs had expenditures that were equal or exceeded the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) cost. Notably, no HHs in either Afmadow or Doolow districts were found to have spent above the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB). This indicates substantial economic adversity and fragility among these households during the baseline period.
  • The findings indicate significant debt accumulation and economic insecurity, with 76% of HHs reporting an average debt of $101, reflecting broader financial strain likely exacerbated by escalating inflation rates during the data collection period.