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AWD SitRep in South Central Region of Somalia for Week Ending 8th January 2017


During the week the number of cases increased from 382 cases and 15 deaths to 629 cases and 14 deaths in different regions of Somalia. As shown in table 1 below, AWD/Cholera cases were reported from Bay region, Banadir, Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle reported during the week.

In Lower Shabelle cases were reported from Janale (24), Muduwo (10) and Busley (18) districts while in Bay cases were reported in Bayhow (36) and Baidoa (225). In Hiraan 91 cases were reported from Beletweyne

The 14 deaths reported occurred in Banadir (6), Baidoa (4),Jowhar (1),Mahaday (1) and Beletweyne (2)

Activities that are implemented to contain the outbreak

  • Regional medical teams are conducting meetings with different stakeholders and community for implementation of activities to control spread of AWD/Cholera.

  • Health cluster partners have distributed AWD/Cholera supplies to all regions reporting AWD/Cholera alerts

  • Health cluster partners are conducting community sensitisation using local radios

  • WASH cluster is supplying hygienic Kits in addition of chlorination of water sources in all affected regions

  • Stool samples have been collected from Banadir and Bay region and sent to laboratory in Mogadishu for analysis