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ACTED Drought Needs Assessment – Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer - Post Deyr Rains 2021



Poor performing Deyr rains in late 2020 in Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer have led to concerns that many communities who are already experiencing elevated IPC1 classification at crisis- and/or emergency needs, will also face drought conditions and water scarcity in 2021, further exacerbating dire humanitarian conditions on the ground. The Somali WASH cluster has already noted significantly increasing prices for 200-liter barrels of water, with some areas of Sanaag and Togdheer seeing rates as high as $3 to $5 per 200 liters (Somali WASH Cluster, January 2021).

The poor and erratic rainfall in late 2020 will therefore likely serve as one of the primary drivers of food insecurity across Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer in 2021, with as many as 2.7 million people facing IPC Phase 3 or above through mid-2021 without humanitarian assistance (FSNAU Technical Release, February 2021).