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Solomon Islands

Solomons get cyclone relief from Cyprus

Pacific Islands Development Program/East-West Center
With Support From Center for Pacific Islands Studies/University of Hawai'i

HONIARA, Solomon Islands (SIBC, May 29) - The Republic of Cyprus has donated more than $30,000 towards the rehabilitation and reconstruction of cyclone stricken Tikopia and Anuta in Temotu Province.

The Republic's High Commissioner, Sotos Liassides, presented the check to Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Australia Milner Tozaka.

The cyclone, one of the largest in recent history, hit the Solomon Islands in late December.

Tozaka thanked the people and Government of Cyprus, on behalf of the people and Government of Solomon Islands, and Cyclone Zoe victims of Tikopia and Anuta.

He also assured the High Commissioner of Cyprus that he would be passing the kind sentiments expressed to the people of Tikopia and Anuta Islands.

Tozaka also gave the assurance that the money will be given to the National Disaster Council to assist in the reconstruction relief work that is currently progressing in the two islands.