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Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands/Pacific: Floods - Emergency Appeal n° MDRSB003 Final Report



Overall response

The Solomon Islands Red Cross Society (SIRCS), with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Partner National Societies, undertook significant activities in addressing the most important humanitarian needs of floodaffected communities. These activities included registering people in evacuation centres, undertaking needs assessments, delivering water, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities (including producing and delivering safe drinking water) and distributing non-food items (NFIs) specifically household kits and emergency shelter kits.

From the onset of the floods, it was readily observable and agreed by all key stakeholders that those were the most pressing humanitarian needs which SIRCS had the mandate, experience and ability to address. The IFRC and Partner National Societies supported the SIRCS in mobilizing resources, including an earlier DREF allocation and subsequent launch of an Emergency Appeal, providing NFIs and support roles. As the efforts required to fulfil these obligations were extensive, SIRCS did not take on a role for the recovery work, with recovery needs addressed by other agencies.