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Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands / Pacific: Flash Floods Revised Emergency Appeal n° MDRSB003


21,000 people to be assisted

DREF allocated: CHF 158,099

Glide n° FL-2014-000045-SLB

Appeal timeframe: 9 months

Appeal budget: CHF 684,278

Issued: 16 July 2014

End date: 11 January 2015

This Revised Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 684,278 (a decrease from CHF 1.3m) to enable the IFRC to support the Solomon Islands Red Cross Society (SIRCS) to deliver assistance and support to 4,200 floodaffected families (21,000 people), focusing on the provision of food and non-food items, water and sanitation, shelter, hygiene promotion and National Society capacity building. This revision sees a reduction in both beneficiary numbers and budget, to take into account evolving needs and funding limitations, and will focus on the remaining relief needs and capacity building of the National Society.

Timeline - Red Cross and Red Crescent action

3 April: Tropical depression causes prolonged heavy rainfall resulting in severe flooding in the capital Honiara. Government declares disaster zone.

4 April: 26 temporary evacuation centres activated.

6-17 April: IFRC Regional deployment to Solomon Islands for coordination and assessments.

8-16 April: Department of Health performed rapid health and WASH assessment in 125 flood affected communities in Guadalcanal Province. 10 April: Shelter sector-coordinator deployed from Australian Red Cross to support the Government in coordinating shelter activities for the response.

11-15 April: CHF 158,099 DREF allocated. FACT team leader and communications delegate deployed. 86 SIRCS volunteers, 33 staff and 4 branches in the response.

20 April: 430 cases of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) reported. 2 May: Emergency Appeal launched for CHF 1.3m. 9 June: 102 cases of AWD reported and 18 deaths associated with these outbreaks.

30 June: Many evacuees have returned home; some 1,467 remain in four major evacuation centres.

17 July: Based on assessments, remaining needs are in the sectors of shelter, WatSan, food security, and health