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Solomon Islands + 2 more

Solomon Islands NEOC Situational Report 3 - 12/12/2016



Purpose: To brief the Development Partners on the extent of damages caused by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that affected parts of Makira, Small Malaita and Guadalcanal on 9th December 2016.
And the Humanitarian Assistance from the Government and its Disaster Management Stakeholders and Partners


Disaster Management and Coordination:

  • Makira, Malaita and Guadalcanal Provinces are leading the Disaster Response Operations, supported by the NEOC and the N-DOC Committees.

  • N-DOC convened 3 inter-sectoral coordination meetings since the 10th Dec 2016. These N-DOC Committees including Health, Education, Protection, Infrastructure and Camp Management has all participated.

  • RSIPF (Police) is supporting the Civil Military Coordination role through the NEOC/PEOC Operations Function Teams.

  • In-country UNOCHA support to NDMO in Coordination. Additional support specific to Assessment Analysis will be embedded into the NEOC Assessment Information Management Function Team.

  • World Food Programme in-country support is currently provided to the NEOC Logistics Function Team.

  • Multi-Stakeholder meeting is planned for end of this week.

Humanitarian Assistance: Government Sectors, NGOs and SI Red Cross deployed experts, and Humanitarian Assistance, with Police supporting the logistics with the use of the Patrol Boat and other Assets.

Humanitarian Financing: Australian Government make available AUD50,000 while New Zealand Government provided NZD50, 000.