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Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands Cyclone Zoe Recovery Action Plan for Tikopia and Anuta

National Disaster Council
Central Control Group
Executive Summary:

Tropical Cyclone Zoë devastated the two most remote islands of Tikopia and Anuta of the Temotu Province on 28th and 29th December 2002. It left behind tons of debris and severe damages to the environment, agriculture and community productivity, food, water supply, health and education. Miraculously there were no major casualties or death recorded from the two islands.

The Recovery Action Plan forms the basis for line of actions appropriate for the local communities of Tikopia and Anuta. It could have been very difficult for the Solomon Islands Government and the National Disaster Council responding alone hadn't it not for the prompt response and direct support and assistance from the developing partners, international and local non- organizations and individuals, and the Solomon Islands Red Cross. The outcome of the effective relief and medical supplies delivered by the medical and assessment teams 3 days after the cyclone was an outstanding effort of all stakeholders involve since day one. Hence, all should be commended.

However, the recovery period is a challenging time for all. The Assessment Report has provided data and information much needed for the Recovery Action Plan. The recovery progress is expected to be very slow. The success of the action plan lies on the integration, collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders involved one way or another in this disaster management.


This is the Recovery Action Plan for the Cyclone Zoë devastated Islands of Tikopia & Anuta.

The log-fame below shows the specific Actions Steps recommended and adopted by the Central Control Group in an urgent meeting on the 19th January following National Disaster Council's meeting on 17th January 2003.

Background Information:

The Medical and Assessment Team (s) arrived in Honiara from Tikopia and Anuta on 10th and 12th January 2003 respectively. The teams were met and a short debriefing was done at the port of call in Honiara.

The two teams formally presented a very detailed and comprehensive report on the 11th and 14th respectively. Upon receiving the reports the Chairman of the Central Control Group (CCG) stressed the importance of the findings in drawing up the Recovery Action Plan for the disaster left behind by Tropical Cyclone Zoë.

The Assessment is completed with clear recommendations in key sectors like natural environment, agriculture and community productivity, food and nutrition, water supply, health and education. The recommendations from the Assessment Report form the basis of the Recovery Action Plan.

Log Frame of the Action Plan

Action Steps
Responsible Agents/ Officer
1.1.Short term (immediately):
1.1.1 The Agriculture and Fisheries Division must conduct an assessment to determine the impact on these sectors, and to lay the groundwork for a full recovery plan. Agriculturalist to conduct a professional assessment to ascertain level and period food relief supply, and period of self-reliance on food gardens Mr.Michael Oiliouou (Dept. Agriculture)
Jan. 18
2.Response Plan
1.1.2 Nutritionally balanced food relief needs to be provided on a continuous basis, for at least 12 months and possibly up to 2 years on Tikopia, and for 3 to 6 months on Anuta. The food security situation should be monitored and quantities of food aid can be reduced as local production is restored. 1.Nutritional needs assessment by a Nutritionist.
2. Next supply (April-May-June) will include recommendation by nutritionist.
3. NDMO to monitor food security through communication and coordination with TPDC and islanders.
1. Nutrition Unit-Ministry of Health
2. CCG

1.(2 months supply for Jan-Feb in Anuta & Jan-March in Tikopia)
2. Service Delivery Plan for Food Supply in draft.
1.1.3 The NDMO must put together a comprehensive plan, with costs, to obtain and deliver sufficient bush building materials to rebuild 220 houses and repair 50. The most important item is sago palm, and this will cost approximately SBD 500,000. Service Delivery Plan to address shelter & agricultural community productivity. CCG
In draft
1.1.4 The NDMO should follow up on all the pledged contributions and less specific offers of assistance made domestically and from overseas, to fund the recovery. Donor coordination and regular contribution update, and regular acquittals CCG 1.90-100% commitment of pledges.
2.Fiancial Reports
1.1.5 The NDMO should seek donor funding for 2 chainsaws, ancillary/spares packs, and frames at a cost of SBD 18,000 each, for long-term loan to the islands. Service Delivery Plan to address shelter & agricultural community productivity. CCG
In draft
1.1.6 Solomon Islands Red Cross will supply a further 100 family packs to Tikopia, at a cost of approximately SBD 50,000. Activated CCG & SIRC done
1.1.7 The entire population of both islands should be supplied with mosquito bed-nets. Service Delivery Plan to address Health CCG & HSDMT
1.1.8 If further temporary shelter materials are provided as an interim solution to the shelter problem, they should be proper tarpaulins rather than plastic sheeting. Activated: -300 tarpaulins sent on board MV Kopuria CCG & SIRC Done
1.2.Medium term (up to 1 month):
1.2.1 The existing water supply systems on Tikopia should be restored. Service Delivery Plan to address Health/RWSS CCG, & HSDMT, & World Vision
Water supply restored
1.2.2 Planting materials and gardening tools are needed, especially on Tikopia. Any taro delivered must be inspected for taro beetles first. Service Delivery Plan to address food/ nutrition & community productivity. CCG & HSDMT
In draft
1.2.3 The CCG should request FAO to conduct a quick assessment of food security on the islands and to design an agricultural and fishing recovery plan, in cooperation with the Agriculture and Fisheries Division, as soon as possible. Pending professional agricultural assessment by local expert. CCG & MAF & PDC
Report available
1.2.4 The CCG and provincial government should encourage the population to repair essential community facilities, as a priority. CCG to coordinate and collaborate with community representatives in Honiara and Provinces and on islands CCG, PDC & community
In progress
1.2.5 The clinic and staff quarters on Tikopia should be rehabilitated and re-equipped. Service Delivery Plan to address Health:-Rebuilding & rehabilitation CCG & HSDMT
Clinic renovated
1.2.6 The Government should ensure that any funding commitments made through the National Disaster Council Trust Fund to commercial or other actors, are honoured. NDMO to follow up NDMO Funds paid in total to the Trust
1.3.Longer term (1 to 3 months)
1.3.1 An adviser on the recovery of community productivity in small Pacific islands through the regeneration of agriculture and fisheries should be posted on Tikopia for up to a year. Pending professional agricultural assessment by local expert. CCG
In progress. Report available
1.3.2 The islands need an integrated rural development plan, with an on-site coordinator (who could be the same person as the agriculture and fisheries adviser). Pending professional agricultural assessment by local expert. Temotu Provincial Disaster Council
Report available
1.3.3 Re-building of schools and re-establishment of education system Service Delivery Plan to address Education: Rebuilding and rehabilitation MOE & TPDC
Schools renovated
1.3.4 The existing health worker on Anuta should receive more training and a registered nurse should be stationed on the island. Service Delivery Plan to address Health: nurse training TPDC & & HSDMT
Nurse trained
1.3.5 Primary healthcare services such as immunisation, maternal and infant healthcare, routine disease surveillance, and regular re-supply should be re-established. Service Delivery Plan to address Health: Rehabilitation & re-establishment of PHC TPDC & HSDMT
Clinic opened and running.
1.3.6 A regular maintenance programme is needed for the clinics and their HF radios. Only sealed batteries should be supplied for the radios in future. HSDMT & HISP Radios repaired and running
2.1. Short term (immediately):
Suitable logs for building outrigger dugout canoes must be imported to the islands. Service Delivery Plan to address food/ nutrition & community productivity. TPDC & communities
Return of fishing
2.2. Medium term (1 to 3 months)
2.2.1 The NDMO should request technical assistance in the form of an emergency response and recovery adviser, for a period of up to a year. NDMO to develop a capacity building project and seek donor funding. Director NDMO
Draft project proposal submitted.
2.2.2 The Division of Environment and Conservation ask the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme to conduct a thorough impact assessment. In particular the problems with erosion and loss of topsoil need scrutiny. Pending professional agricultural assessment by local expert. CCG
Request forwarded to SPREP
2.2.3 The Temotu Provincial Government should negotiate with the community on Anuta to permit the establishment of a proper clinic or a smaller health aid post. TPDC to negotiate Chief of Anuta Chairman
Establishment of a Village Health Aid Post or NAP
2.2.4 The SIBC relay station on Nendo Island should be completed as soon as possible. NDMO to liaise with SIBC
In progress
Effective transmission to Nendo
2.3. Longer term (beyond 3 months)
2.3.1 Food security should be reviewed at 6 monthly intervals for the next 2 years. NDMO & TPDC monitor food security and update NDMO & TPDC Six monthly report
2.3.2 The issue of what to do with the changes to Lake Te Roto, needs to be addressed by the Division of Environment and Conservation and the local community. Division of Environment and Conservative to assess the changes and its impact on the lake and the people DEC
Report available
2.3.3 Subject to developments with the lake, it may need to be restocked with fish. Pending professional agricultural assessment by local expert.
2.3.4 Limited restocking of livestock should be considered. Pending professional agricultural assessment by local expert. CCG
Report available
2.3.5 The development of ventilated improved pit latrines should be considered. TPDC & MOH/RWSS Engineers to review situation with local community
2.3.6 In future, the national patrol boats should visit these remote islands as often as possible, so that they can check on the HF radios and repair them if necessary. Service Delivery Plan to address Health: Rehabilitation & re-establishment of PHC HISP 100% of all clinics functioning
2.3.7 A more robust form of communication is needed with Tikopia and Anuta. If culturally acceptable to the communities, establishment of rural e-mail stations through the Solomon Islands People First Network should be considered. A proper assessment will be undertaken. NDMO & Community Community acceptance
2.3.8 The NDMO's facilities should be gradually improved, and adequate budget provided to support minimal day-to-day operations, outside emergencies. NDMO to develop a capacity building project and seek donor funding. Director NDMO
In progress
Draft project proposal
2.3.9 The Bureau of Meteorology should be adequately funded to ensure that its central office and remote stations such as at Lata have basic infrastructure. NDMO to incorporate into develop a capacity building project and seek donor funding. Director NDMO Draft project proposal
2.3.10 Extend capacity to the Provincial Disaster Committees prioritising Temotu Province Disaster Committee. NDMO to develop a capacity building project and seek donor funding. Director NDMO Draft project proposal
2.3.11 The islands will need assistance with procuring bush-building materials for the routine replacement of sago palm wall panels and thatch, for years to come. Service Delivery Plan to address shelter & agricultural community productivity. NDMO


The CCG and the NDMO will carefully monitor all activities in the action plan. The NDC and the Cabinet will be updated regularly. The NDMO will closely liaise with the Temotu Provincial Disaster Committee in coordinating all activities in the Recovery Action Plan.

The NDMO and the CCG will continue to seek assistance from all developing partners and NGOs implementing the Recovery Action Plan.