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Solomon Islands

New relief bound for Solomons cyclone victims

Pacific Islands Development Program/East-West Center
With Support From Center for Pacific Islands Studies/University of Hawai'i
HONARIA, Solomon Islands (SBIC, Feb. 6) - The National Disaster Council is sending a boat owned by Malaita Shipping to deliver local building and planting materials to cyclone victims on Tikopia and Anuta next week.

Martin Karani, deputy director of the National Disaster Management Office, says this will include materials collected from Isabel and Makira provinces and from the Tikopian community in the Russell Islands.

Karani says the MV Isabella is expected to arrive in Honiara today with the materials and next week, Ramos Three will leave for six Makira ports to collect similar materials before heading to Tikopia and Anuta.

He confirms that life on the two islands is slowly returning to normal with people starting to rebuild homes destroyed by cyclone with whatever materials available and food supplies enough for a number of weeks.

Meanwhile, Karani says that any relief supplies to Rennell and Bellona will be sent after the assessment team sent to the island compile their reports and findings. He adds that with preliminary reports received from the assessors, East Rennell suffered primary damages while West Rennell suffered secondary damages.

Karani adds that a boat chartered by the Community Peace and Rehabilitation Fund carried onboard medical supplies to Rennell where it was reported to have run out of basic medical drugs.