The ADB program in the Solomon Islands has provided loans, grants and technical assistance to grow the country’s economy and improve the lives of people, particularly the poor, women, children and other vulnerable groups.
Since Solomon Islands joined ADB in 1973, the country has received over $275 million in loans, grants, and technical assistance. With such a widely dispersed population, the transport sector is a key development priority for Solomon Islands.
ADB supports the government’s National Transport Plan, which calls for integrated planning, environmental and social sustainability, and an infrastructure base that is resilient to natural disasters and climate change. ADB’s focus on energy, information and communication technology, private sector development, public sector management, and transport remains relevant in the context of government priorities and the support provided by other development partners.
Updated yearly, this ADB Fact Sheet provides social and economic indicators on Solomon Islands as well as concise information on ADB's operations in the country and contact information.
- Asian Development Bank
- © Asian Development Bank