Case Studies of Cash Programs Learnings and Overcoming Challenges
What other forms of assistance were considered and why was cash selected?
Solomon Island
Cash for Work
Ezi Pei was selected because target population use before the system with the Government and other organizations.
ADRA SI partnered with Solomon Islands Postal Services for the utilization of their ewallet money transfer platform. Ezi Pei mobile wallet (Check out for more information)
Modality Cash in Envelope
Cash was selected because not all beneficiaries has bank card or mobile phone.
The Government provided beneficiaries list and it helped to prioritize the most vulnerable.
ADRA used Blanket approach, ADRA team distributed Cash to all households in the community- No one left behind.
Use local language as part of the awareness of use of Ezi Pei and Cash as part of the Feedback and complaint Mechanics and Safeguarding.
C19 and weather conditions restricted the travel to other islands.
Spike in inflation, e.g., price of commodities jumped due to short supply/high demand.