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Solomon Islands + 1 more

ADRA South Pacific Regional Case Studies of Cash Programs: Solomon Island & Tonga (October 2022)


Case Studies of Cash Programs Learnings and Overcoming Challenges

What other forms of assistance were considered and why was cash selected?

Solomon Island

  • Cash for Work

  • Ezi Pei was selected because target population use before the system with the Government and other organizations.

  • ADRA SI partnered with Solomon Islands Postal Services for the utilization of their ewallet money transfer platform. Ezi Pei mobile wallet (Check out for more information)


  • Modality Cash in Envelope

  • Cash was selected because not all beneficiaries has bank card or mobile phone.


  • The Government provided beneficiaries list and it helped to prioritize the most vulnerable.

  • ADRA used Blanket approach, ADRA team distributed Cash to all households in the community- No one left behind.

  • Use local language as part of the awareness of use of Ezi Pei and Cash as part of the Feedback and complaint Mechanics and Safeguarding.


  • C19 and weather conditions restricted the travel to other islands.

  • Spike in inflation, e.g., price of commodities jumped due to short supply/high demand.