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Slovakia + 1 more

Slovakia: Ukrainian nationals crossing back to Ukraine - 2023 Annual report


Key findings

  • Top countries of stay: Slovakia (77%), Czechia (3%), Austria (2%), United Kingdom (2%), Ireland (2%), Germany (2%).
  • Intentions: 56% going for short visit, 37% plans to stay in Ukraine (prospective returnees), and 7% is undecided.
  • Reasons for short visit*: meeting family (46%), seeking healthcare (19%), collecting documents (9%). (*more than one answer possible)
  • Reasons for long stay*: returning from a short visit abroad (33%), did shopping abroad (11%), improved situation in place of origin (10%). (*more than one answer possible)
  • Destinations in Ukraine: 83% travels to the region of origin, 16% to a different region in Ukraine, and 1% is undecided: Zakarpatska (42%), city of Kyiv (13%), Dnipropetrovska (6%).
  • Top needs*: healthcare (22%), medication (13%), financial support (12%), general information (12%), employment support (11%). (*more than one answer possible)
  • Households*: 14% travels with at least one infant (0-4 years-old), 56% travels with at least one child (5-17 years-old), 45% are single-headed households, and 14% travels with elderly (60+ years-old). (*more than one answer possible)