In Numbers
258,043 people assisted
621 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 12,347 cash-based transfers made
US$ 3.2 million six-month net funding requirement (December- May 2025)
Operational Updates
• The Head of Mission for Iceland, Ásdís Bjarnadóttir, accompanied WFP Country Director, Yvonne Forsen on a two-day official visit to Bonthe Island. During the visit, WFP showcased the implementation of the HomeGrown School Feeding initiative and its notable contribution to improving nutrition, boosting education outcomes, and supporting the local economy. This visit followed a recent donation of USD 2.4 million by the Government of Iceland, for the provision of nutritious, locally sourced meals to 39,000 students in 136 out of 182 schools benefiting from school feeding in the district.
• WFP through its cooperating partners, including Pure Heart Foundation, and Community Action for the Welfare of Children (CAWeC), continued community-level trainings for 1,657 participants (1,412 male, 245 female) from 1,035 schools. The trainings were aimed at strengthening the capacity of school authorities, cooks and smallholder farmers in the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the home-grown school feeding programme.
• To enhance rice processing capabilities and improve agricultural productivity of supported smallholder farmers in the districts of Kambia, Tonkolili, Koinadugu, Kenema, Pujehun, and Moyamba, WFP has commenced the construction of seven milling houses equipped with milling machines in those districts.
• WFP in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) and the Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute (SLARI) conducted yield and cost studies for smallholder group farms supported by WFP across seven districts. The data and reports from these studies will be used to advocate for climate-smart agriculture and adherence to improved farming practices, boosting productivity, yield, and profitability.