In Numbers
240,479 people assisted
776 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 9.6 million six-month net funding requirement (June– November 2024)
Operational Updates
- WFP organized orientation training for 230 volunteer cooks from 115 primary schools in Karene district. The training covered various topics, including sanitation and hygiene, kitchen management, cleaning utensils and feeding equipment, food storage and handling, food preparation and safety, food preservation, safety equipment, roles and responsibilities, as well as recipes and food preparation techniques.
- To prevent disasters and protect Freetown’s only water source, WFP in collaboration with the HQ Asset Impact Monitoring from Space (AIMS) team released results of the latest forest cover report for the Western Area Peninsular National Park. The report shows that 550 hectares of forest have been lost between December 2023 and March 2024, and 4,000 hectares (22 percent) of the park had been deforested since 2000. It urges the Government to take urgent action to restore this critical ecosystem that provides the catchment for Freetown’s only viable reservoir supplying clean water to the capital.
- WFP completed implementation of the United Nations Peace Building Fund project: Building cross border peace and strengthening sustainable livelihoods of cattle herders and crop farmers in Sierra Leone and Guinea. To accelerate the impact of this pioneering project, WFP hosted a Final Project Steering Committee in Freetown, bringing together high-level stakeholders from both countries to discuss best practices and lessons learned and to forge a way forward.
- WFP has significantly increased its procurement of locally produced rice and pulses from smallholder farmers, rising from 125 metric tons in 2023 to 920 metric tons in 2024—a 736 percent increase. This significant scale-up, involving 661 metric tons of rice and 259 metric tons of pulses, was achieved through collaboration with smallholder umbrella networks such as the National Farmers Federation for Sierra Leone and the Women in Agriculture Network.