In Numbers
671 MT of food assistance distributed
USD 9.5 m six-month (June – November 2022) net funding requirements
216,240 people assisted in June 2022
Operational Updates
Resilience Building
To promote peaceful co-existence between cattle herders and crop farmers through climate-smart livelihoods, WFP under its Peacebuilding project has distributed 700 rolls of barbed wire to 10 project sites in Mongo and Sulima chiefdoms in Falaba district. This is to fence irrigated lands developed under the project for rice and vegetable cultivation to protect them from cattle attacks.
To improve the ability of smallholders to dry their rice and improve quality, WFP has assisted Farmer Based Organisations (FBOs) in rehabilitating 31 drying floors across six districts. WFP provided oversight to the construction through its engineering unit, whilst FBOs provided local materials and skilled and casual labour.
WFP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), trained over 168 beneficiaries from 10-communities in Kenema and Tonkolili districts on Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA). At the end of the training, each community received four savings boxes and seed money of three million Leones ($214). The scheme is intended to increase the financial inclusion and independence of FBOs. VSLA provides its members with a safe place to save money and to access loans. The activities of the group run in cycles of one year, after which the accumulated savings and the loan profits are distributed back to the members.
WFP participated in a two-day social protection strategy validation workshop in Makeni organized by the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA). WFP has been engaging with the Social Protection Secretariat, UNICEF, and the World Bank to ensure that its current and future programmes (including HIV, the school feeding programme, and unconditional food assistance initiatives) could be reflected in the new strategy. WFP’s technical expertise in cash-based transfers (CBT) will benefit NaCSA’s ongoing social protection interventions in Sierra Leone.