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Sierra Leone

WFP Sierra Leone Country Brief, August 2020


In Numbers

79.2 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 0 cash-based transfers made

USD 1.3 m six months (September 2020–February 2021) net funding requirement

26,837 people assisted in August 2020

Operational Updates

• WFP in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation launched a nationwide treatment programme for moderately malnourished children aged 6-59 months and pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLW/G). This vulnerable group will be provided with specialized nutritious food along with complementary social behavioural change communication messages.

• Meanwhile, training was completed for 942 health workers in eight districts (Kambia, Tonkolili, Port Loko, Western Area Rural & Urban, Kenema and Pujehun) in the implementation of moderate acute malnutrition treatment programme. This training will equip them with skills in food management, handling and storage as well as administering admission and discharge protocols.

• A refresher training was conducted for 60 Office of National Security (ONS) staff and Sierra Leone Red Cross Society volunteers in Freetown on data collection using the digitized Multi Indicator Rapid Assessment (MIRA) tool.
Moreover,100 mobile tablets were given on loan to ONS to enable data collection in emergency response situations.

• Twenty-six households affected by landslide in Simbaru Chiefdom in Kenema district received food assistance to help them meet their immediate food needs while recovering from the shock.

• WFP, through the Ministry of Youth Affairs, has distributed 10 mt of food to 1,000 youths and their families in Kono and Kenema districts who are engaged in the development of irrigation structures in inland valley swamps for year round cultivation of rice and vegetables. The project aims at increasing engagement of youth in commercial agricultural activities.

• Seventeen vulnerable farmer-based organizations in seven districts in Karene and 10 districts in Falaba received 21 mt of food assistance under the nutrition sensitive agriculture for cultivating 34 hectares of cowpea, pumpkin, okra, maize, groundnut, hot pepper and orange fleshed sweet potato.