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Sierra Leone

UNICEF Sierra Leone Ebola Situation Report, 12 August 2015



· In the week to 9 August 2015, there was one confirmed Ebola case, the same as the previous week. The case was reported from Hagan Street area of Freetown in Western Area Urban district.

· UNICEF coordinated 26 street theatre performances in Massassebeh and Masanga communities in Tonkolili district. This initiative is helping to reduce the stress levels of people in quarantined houses and is also an innovative way of message delivery. Similar performances are also being done in Port Loko, Kambia and Western Area Urban districts.

· UNICEF and Welthungerhilfe supported the Collective Community Action Project which was launched last week. A team of 392 community mobilizers across all Wharfs in Western Area will promote hand washing and conduct community engagement for early case identification and treatment.

· In Tonkolili, UNICEF partners Sierra Leone Water Company and PACT provided 149,000 litres of potable water to 52 quarantined households (over 500 people) and pumped 280,000 litres of water to the quarantined Masanga hospital, benefiting 138 people as well as supporting clinical service provision. They also supported the Tonkolili district council to decontaminate, collect and dispose of solid waste from all the quarantined households in Massessebeh village and Masanga hospital, and provided fuel to enable power generation for water pumping and lighting at the hospital.

· In Porto Loko, UNICEF provided 37,500 litres of water to 56 households (336 people) in underserved areas.

· 148 children of school going age in need of learning and recreational kits were identified in quarantined households during the education needs assessment conducted by UNICEF in Tonkolili last week. 52 households will also be provided with solar powered radios.

· UNICEF partner Plan Sierra Leone provided an integrated package of psychosocial support services for all the children released from quarantine in Port Loko. Connect Sierra Leone, with UNICEF support, conducted follow up visits to the children and their families for psychological first aid.