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Sierra Leone + 2 more

UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) External Situation Report, 1 April 2015



  • NERCs in Sierra Leone and Guinea stress compliance to response efforts

  • UNMEER continues support to community-centered EVD social mobilization efforts in affected countries

Key Political and Economic Developments

  1. On 31 March in Guinea, UNMEER SRSG Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and Special Envoy Dr.
    David Nabarro participated in the forum ‘La Basse Guinee dit Ebola ca suffit’, (Ebola is Enough) which took place in Kindia. The objective of the forum was to engage the Basse Guinee leaders in the sensitization and mobilization of local communities for the Ebola response. Participating were religious leaders, media, civil society and private sector representatives and members of the NERC, as well as UN agencies, NGOs and representatives of the diplomatic community.