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Sierra Leone

Status of mission agreement for the United Nations integrated mission in Sierra Leone signed in Freetown

Freetown, Sierra Leone, 22 December 2005 - The Status of Mission Agreement (SOMA) for the United Nations Integrated Mission in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL) was today, signed at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Freetown. The Agreement was signed on behalf of the government of Sierra Leone by the Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Momodu Koroma, while the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General for Sierra Leone (DSRSG) and Executive Representative of the Secretary General designate, Mr. J. Victor Angelo, signed on behalf UNIOSIL.

Speaking after the signing ceremony which was witnessed by top government operatives from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, as well as Senior members of UNAMSIL, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Momodu Koroma, stated that the signing ceremony was a culmination of many deliberations and consultations, including briefing sessions during Cabinet meetings, and that the government of Sierra Leone was completely part and parcel of the follow up mission.

He emphasized that, "the fact that today we are in a position to sign a follow up mission with the United Nations clearly shows that UNAMSIL was a huge success for which the people of Sierra Leone can not thank the United Nations enough"

Mr. Koroma stated that several critical needs were identified during the consultations and said he hopes the people of Sierra Leone will be able to respond to the transitional initiatives UNAMSIL Public Information Office, Mammy Yoko Hotel, Room 230 Aberdeen, Freetown, PO Box 5 MEDIA CONTACT: Ag. Spokesman: Daniel Adekera: 232-22-295-817 or Mob:232-76-609-294 or Information Assistant: Mohamed Sankoh: 232-76-611-986 or 232-22-295-676 EMAIL of the follow up mission.

The Minister expressed profound gratitude to the Secretary General through the Deputy Special Representative, for thinking of establishing a follow on mission in Sierra Leone and for consulting extensively with the government to ensure that the needs of the people of are reflected in the draft of the new mission."

Responding, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Mr. Victor Angelo, thanked the government of Sierra Leone, on behalf of the Secretary General and the SRSG, Ambassador Daudi Mwakawago, for the support given to UNAMSIL. He declared that the mission succeeded largely because the partnership between the United Nations and the government of Sierra Leone was a very strong one adding that, the new mission is a continuation of that partnership, but with a stronger emphasis on national capacity development and addressing the root causes of the conflict.

Outlining the programs and activities of the new mission which becomes operative in January 2006, the DSRSG stressed that the year 2006 will be inspired by a stronger emphasis on a number of things which include "strengthening your capacity to lead the development process, making sure that Sierra Leone becomes an attractive investment destination, to lead a credible election into 2007, but above all, making sure that you are the owners of your own development process, the owners of your own future and that you take the lead when it comes to priority setting."

"In addition to the above, the mission, through its links with the just established Peace Building Commission, will make sure Sierra Leone remains at the center of the donors' agenda," He said.

The DSRSG thanked the Foreign Affairs Minister for the speedy way he dealt with the important document to ensure that the new mission and the Special Court protection are within the legal framework