6.3 million people to be assisted
334,013 Swiss francs DREF allocated
64.3 million Swiss Francs current Appeal budget
1.3 million Swiss Francs funding gap
Appeal launched 26 June 2014
Revision n° 7 issued 04 July 2017
Appeal ends December 2017
This revised Emergency Appeal seeks a total of 64.3 million Swiss francs (decreased from 90.5 million Swiss francs) to enable the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to support the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS) to deliver recovery assistance and support to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) affected populations (including EVD survivors, orphans and vulnerable children, affected households, Red Cross and community volunteers). The revised operation will focus on the following sectors: health (including community-based health (CBH) and psychosocial support - PSS); water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); disaster risk reduction (DRR); food security and livelihoods and National Society Capacity Building (through community and institutional development strategies). The revision also reflects the completion of majority of activities with the financial support from the Government of Japan, UNDP and the Swedish Red Cross. The current funding gap is 1.3 million Swiss francs