Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:
The Emergency Appeal (EA) MDRSL005 was launched in June 2014 for 880,000 Swiss francs to support the Ebola response in shelter, health and care, food security and Livelihood, WATSAN, DRR and national society capacity building. Eight further revisions to the EA were made; the first revision was done in July 2014 for 1.36m Swiss francs. The second revision done in September and October 2014 for 12.85m Swiss francs, followed by third revision for 41.1m Swiss francs. The EA was further revised in March and June 2015 for 56.8m Swiss francs, followed by Appeal revision n° 5 for 95.0m Swiss francs to extend from emergency to recovery phase. The final two revisions were made in April 2016 and July 2017 seeking a total of 90.5m Swiss francs and 64.3 m Swiss francs for 6.3m people respectively.
The different revisions to the EA enabled IFRC to support SLRCS both during response and in meeting the immediate recovery needs of communities and individuals most affected by Ebola, and to support their transition to resilient communities. The extension ensured successful completion of some remaining activities. The key focus of capacity building were finance and logistics management strengthening, that enable SLRCS be in a better position to efficiently and effectively deliver programs. Finance management strengthening activities was based on the finance capacity assessment conducted in February 2017. Finance management strengthening was supported by the British Red Cross, as they have a well-established in country delegation and commitment to longer-term presence in Sierra Leone.
The extension period provided the opportunity to SLRCS/IFRC to successfullyThe greatest milestone during the extension was the opportunity for SLRCS/IFRC to successfully complete the construction of the two warehouses in Bo and Waterloo towns. This has given the SLRCS the capacity to preposition both non-food items and Ebola response stocks at strategic locations within the country, allowing them to respond to emergencies in a faster and more efficient manner.
This operation closed with total expenditure of CHF58,280,413 which represent 91% of the total appeal budget and 97% of the total income.
As per the financial report attach, this operation closed with a balance of CHF1,932,239, available balance for country operation plan is CHF1,872,394 after the outstanding pledge of CHF59,935 will be written-off.
The International Federation seeks approval from its donors to reallocate this balance to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak to support Sierra Leone Operational Plan focused on Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Strengthening programs including Cash Transfers to vulnerable groups and support to Sierra Leone Red CrossNational Society transformation plan. Partners/donors who have any questions in regard to this balance are kindly requested to contact Mr. Younos Abdul Karim, Head of Country Office ( within 30 days of publication of this final report. Pass this date the reallocation will be processed as indicated.
Details of allocation breakdown to country operational plan (CoP) of 2018/2019 are presented below:
- CHF500,000 to be allocated to the ongoing 2018 CoP of Sierra Leone which is focused on Disaster Risk Reduction.
- CHF1,372,394 to be allocated to 2019 COP of Sierra Leone with the following planning:
- CHF400,000 to Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Strengthening including Cash Transfers to vulnerable groups.
- CHF600,000 to the Sierra Leone Transformation Plan which is a wide-ranging plan to improve the governance and management, quality, impact and efficiency of the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society thereby strengthening its humanitarian impact nationally.
- CHF372,394 will go to strengthening IFRC Sierra Leone Country operations including Monitoring and Reporting, effective risk management and internal controls, HR strengthening and salaries