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Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Ebola Situation Report, 22 April 2015



  • After several weeks of declining case incidence, confirmed cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) increased in Sierra Leone this week, with 13 cases recorded in the week to 21 April 2015.

  • On 14 April 2015, schools reopened across the country, with 1.8 million children resuming education after almost nine months. UNICEF and partners are conducting SMS-based monitoring of schools to verify that all schools have necessary safety measures and supplies in place, including thermometers, hand washing kits, and cleaning supplies.

  • Between 10 and 17 April 2015, a data verification exercise was undertaken by Focus 1000 on behalf of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender, and Children’s Affairs (MSWGCA) with the support of UNICEF, with an aim to determine accurate numbers of EVD-affected children.

  • Maternal and Child Health Week is scheduled from 24 to 27 April 2015. The following interventions will be provided: vitamin A supplementation, albendazole for deworming, Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) screening for nutritional status, Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS (eMTCT) and defaulter tracing for routine vaccination. With the support of UNICEF, all necessary supplies have been delivered to the districts, including Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) materials.

  • UNICEF Sierra Leone requires USD 178 million for its response to the Ebola crisis until end of June 2015. To date, USD 117.2 million has been received – 66 percent of the total*.