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Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Ebola Situation Report, 1 April 2015



  • According to the Government of Sierra Leone, the cumulative number of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) case is 8,547 with 3,444 deaths as of 31 March 2015

  • The number of confirmed Ebola cases continued to decline in Sierra Leone with 25 cases recorded in the week to 29 March 2015, the lowest numbers since June 2014.

  • As part of a month-long 'Zero Ebola Campaign' launched by Sierra Leone President, HE Dr Ernest Bai Koroma, the entire country took part in a three day Stay-at-Home, 27 to 29 March 2015. Through World Bank funding, UNICEF supported more than 25,000 social mobilizers over the three days to spread EVD prevention messages door to door.