1. With reference to paragraph 39 of my report (S/2000/13), I wish to inform the Security Council that the financial implications of the expansion of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) as described in paragraphs 23 to 38 of the report, for a four-and-a-half-month period from 15 February to 30 June 2000 would entail additional requirements in the order of some $110.8 million. The projection assumes the phased induction of an additional 5,100 troops comprising six infantry battalions and the necessary military support elements, for a total of 11,100 military personnel, and the deployment of 54 additional police advisers for an increased civilian police strength of 60 personnel. It is projected that a civilian staffing establishment of 752 international and local staff, representing an increase of 170 personnel compared with the current strength, will be required to support the military and civilian police components of the expanded UNAMSIL.
2. An indicative breakdown of the projection for the expansion of UNAMSIL by main categories of expenditure is provided, for information purposes, in the annex to the present addendum.
3. On that basis, the total estimated cost of the United Nations peacekeeping operations in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL/UNAMSIL) for the period from 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000 is projected at $310.8 million, inclusive of $200 million already appropriated by the General Assembly in its resolution 54/241 of 23 December 1999 for the maintenance and provisional expansion of the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL) and the establishment and maintenance of UNAMSIL.
4. Should the Security Council authorize the expansion of UNAMSIL and a broadening of its mandate as described in paragraphs 23 to 38 of my report, the additional resources referred to in paragraph 1 above will be sought from the General Assembly.
Cost estimates for the expansion of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone for a four-and-a-half-month period
Cost estimates
I. |
Military personnel
63 909
II. |
Civilian personnel
3 716
III. |
Operational requirements
1. Premises and accommodation
2 069
2. Infrastructure repairs
3. Transport operations
5 611
4. Air operations
4 684
5. Naval operations
6. Communications
7. Other equipment
3 573
8. Supplies and services
12 137
9. Air and surface freight
13 476
42 691
IV. |
Other programmes
1. Election-related supplies and services
2. Public information programmes
3. Training programmes
4. Mine-clearing programmes
5. Assistance for disarmament and demobilization
V. |
United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi
VI. |
Support account for peacekeeping operations
VII. |
Staff assessment
Total, categories I-VII
110 755