IOM’s National Ebola Training Academy has now trained 5,902 health care workers as of 11 April. Infection Prevention and Control mobile trainings were held for 25 healthcare workers in Kamakwe (8-10 April) at Wesleyan Hospital and 27 in Makeni (7-9 April) on swab handling, Bombali district. From 12-16 April, two mobile training teams will go to Bo to train 75 nurses and community health officers who are members of the District Health Management Team.
IOM’s 32 social mobilizers visited 10 communities in Western Area reaching 1,987 persons in 315 households. The mobilizers also led a ‘Community Engagement Meeting’. IOM will conduct a scoping mission to Kambia district on 15-16 April to learn more about the current response in Kambia; introduce IOM's approach to social mobilization and interim care kit distribution; identify key partners; and develop a strategy to move forward with supporting the response.