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Sierra Leone + 1 more

IOM Sierra Leone Ebola Response Situation Report Issue 18, 29 March - 4 April 2015



  • IOM’s National Ebola Training Academy has now trained 5,663 health care workers as of 4 April. Next week the Infection Prevention and Control mobile training team will travel to Kamakwe in northern Bombali.

  • IOM’s implementation partner, Wellbody Alliance, reached 356 villages with community meetings and discussed Ebola with 1,852 households in Kono district. Community Health Workers are playing a critical role in responding to the measles outbreak in 4 Kono chiefdoms. In addition to receiving clinician-led measles training and providing information in preparation for Vitamin A distribution, they will be accompanying clinicians during their visits to Peripheral Health Units to share information about measles care with staff and community leaders.