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Sierra Leone + 4 more

Emergency Appeal Operation Update: Ebola Virus Disease Emergency Appeals (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Global Coordination & Preparedness) - Update No. 28


Current epidemiological situation + country-specific information

The spread of Ebola in West Africa has slowed intensely, but enormous challenges remain in conquering this scourge while re-establishing basic social services and building resilience in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. This unparalled outbreak has hit some of the most vulnerable communities in some of the world’s poorest countries.

On 20 November 2015, the Government of Liberia confirmed three new cases of Ebola from a family of six living in an area of Monrovia. All the cases were transferred to an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU). One of the three confirmed cases, a boy, died on 23 November. His brother and father continued with the treatment.

There have not been any additional/new confirmed cases so far. A total of 166 contacts related to the current cluster were listed and continued with daily follow-up. The contacts are being seen by contacts tracers and remained asymptomatic.

According to the WHO Ebola Situation Report of 2 December 2015, these recent cases in Liberia highlight the importance of robust surveillance measures to ensure the rapid detection of any reintroduction or reemergence of EVD in currently unaffected areas.