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Serbia + 1 more

UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK): 30 Mar 2000

Developments today, 30 March 2000 - Updated 3:30 p.m. EST
Civilian administration

Kosovo to benefit from a $2.3 billion package to rebuild the Balkans: Kosovo is to benefit from a $2.3 billion package to rebuild the Balkans pledged at a two-day, donors' conference, which ended in Brussels today. The Regional Funding Conference for South East Europe pledged over 2.4 billion euros ($2.3 billion) to finance a comprehensive package for regional projects. The projects are aimed at developing infrastructure; promoting private sector development; supporting policy and institutional reforms and encouraging democratisation, reconciliation and security, according to a press statement issued by the World Bank.

Some of the projects Kosovo will benefit from include the rebuilding of the Blace Border Crossing between Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, a regional project to facilitate trade and transport, a regional mine-awareness campaign and a feasibility study for the development of a regional television network.

UN to issue travel documents to Kosovo residents: UNMIK today signed into a law a regulation allowing residents of Kosovo without valid Yugoslav passports to be issued with travel documents. The travel document, to be issued by the Central Civil Registry, does not confer nationality upon its holder, and admission to other States will be subject to their normal visa requirements.

Deadline for registration of vehicles extended: UNMIK today postponed the deadline for motor vehicle registration from 31 March to 31 May. UNMIK said 12,000 motor vehicles have been registered so far but the total number of motor vehicles in Kosovo may be as many as 200,000. Many motorists have had to wait for several hours to register their vehicles. To ease the congestion, UNMIK plans to open four new centres in other regions of Kosovo in addition to the two registration centres in Pristina and Prizren.

For further information, contact the Spokesman's Office: tel (212) 963-7161/2; fax (212) 963-7055.