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Serbia + 1 more

UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK): 10 Mar 2000

Developments today, 10 March 2000 - Updated 3:30 p.m. EST
Civilian administration

Interim Administrative Council condemns violence in Mitrovica: The Interim Administration Council today strongly condemned the violent incidents that occurred in Mitrovica on Tuesday and urged all communities in the city to refrain from violence.

In a statement issued after its regular meeting, the Council urged all communities in Mitrovica to cooperate with the representatives of the international community to ensure respect for the rights and security of all inhabitants of Mitrovica.

More Kosovo Albanians return to north Mitrovica: More Kosovo Albanian families have returned to their homes in north Mitrovica, bringing to 58 the number of people who have returned since 3 March. UNMIK spokeswoman Susan Manuel said in Pristina today that as of yesterday, 10 Serb families had registered indicating their desire to return to the homes in south Mitrovica.

Changes in UN staffing in Mitrovica: The Deputy Regional Commander of UNMIK Police in Mitrovica, Mr. John Adams, has been removed from his post. UN spokesman Fred Eckhardt said in New York that UNMIK confirmed that Mr. Adams has been transferred to Pristina, adding that reports suggesting that he had been fired are incorrect. Mr. Mario Morcone, the Regional Administrator for Mitrovica, also leaves his post today, Ms. Manuel said. His deputy, Mr. Wahid Wahidulla of Afghanistan, is acting while a replacement is sought.

UNMIK Police report explosions in the Pec/Peja region: UNMIK Police today reported that there were three explosions in the Pec/Peja region yesterday. One, late at night, destroyed a shop in Djakova, which was owned by a Serb. Also late last night, an explosion and shooting were heard near the Orthodox Church in Banja. No injuries were reported. Two other major explosions completely destroyed a wood factory owned by an Albanian in Muzhevin.

UNMIK police are also investigating the murder of Benet Feim Rexhepi, a young UNHCR staff member whose body was found in the Ulpiana area of Pristina on Wednesday. In Mitrovica, police are also investigating an attempted murder last night in which an Albanian male stabbed another Albanian in the southern part of the town. A Muslim male was assaulted by two unidentified Serbs in Mitrovica north, police also reported.

Chemicals arrive for Kosovo's power plant: Some 21 tonnes of chemicals including hydrochloric acid needed for cleaning jobs at Kosovo's power plants were delivered today, EU spokeswoman Ms Irene Mingasson said repairs at unit 3 of Kosovo A power plant have been completed, and the unit will be able to produce from 120 to 130 megawatts of power. The total production is currently 257 megawatts and imports from Serbia, Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia amount to 110 megawatts. The regime of distribution is three hours on, three hours off for the moment.

Humanitarian assistance

UNHCR registers 800 displaced people from southern Serbia: This week UNHCR registered some 800 internally displaced people who arrived from southern Serbia. UNHCR Spokeswoman Ms Paula Ghedini said most of these Albanians were given accommodation in the Gnjilane/Urosevac area. She said that for the first time it seems that significant numbers are coming from urban areas.

For further information, contact the Spokesman's Office: tel (212) 963-7161/2; fax (212) 963-7055.