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Serbia + 1 more

Statement by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on recent events in the town of Mitrovica

"Statement by the Presidency - Mitrovica/Kosovo"

The European Union, deeply concerned by the recent events in the town of Mitrovica, reiterates its strong condemnation of all acts of violence and public disturbances.

The European Union stresses its full support to UNSCR 1244 and its commitment to a multi-ethnic and undivided Kosovo, where all the inhabitants can live in a safe and secure environment regardless of their ethnic background.

The EU reaffirms its support to the efforts of UNMIK and KFOR in the implementation of UNSCR 1244, carried out under the most difficult conditions. Defiance and threats to the international presence in Kosovo will not be tolerated.

Kosovo is benefiting from a substantial investment aimed at creating the conditions for a peaceful sustainable future. The political, military and financial efforts committed by the International Community to the stabilisation of Kosovo demand from all Kosovar citizens an active cooperation towards reconciliation. The leaders of the different communities should make this message clear to the population.

Finally, the European Union urges the political leaders in Kosovo to exert their influence to stop violence and to play a restraining role in order to avoid the spread of disorder. The European Union will hold them responsible for any further spread of violence. Their continuous constructive attitude is paramount to the shaping of a peaceful and multi-ethnic Kosovo.