Madam President, Excellencies,
Distinguished members of the Security Council, ladies and gentlemen,
1. It is my honor to update the Council on the latest developments in Kosovo since the issuance of the report of the Secretary-General, which covers the period from 16 March to 15 September this year, and to share a few overarching observations.
2. In my engagements with officials in Belgrade and Pristina, as well as with local political and civil actors, and with international partners, I hear, and I am sharing what I heard, I hear an aspiration for a constructive dialogue and peaceful relations, although the situation on the ground remains fragile, and progress tentative.
3. During my latest visit to northern Kosovo in September, civil society organisations, political actors, and residents alike, voiced serious concerns about the adverse impact of recent unilateral actions affecting their economic, social and political rights. They explained that the recent closures of Post of Serbia branches and municipal offices run by the Government of Serbia, including the latest in Skenderaj/Srbica on the 16th of October, have limited access to key services, in particular for the Kosovo Serb community. These difficulties compounded the effect of earlier measures, like the regulation on the use of Dinar and the closure of Postanska Stedionica Savings Bank branches. These community members further voiced anxiety over indications that the Pristina authorities may attempt to assert control over the Serbia-funded education and health institutions.