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Serbia + 1 more

Serbia: Population Movement Revised Emergency Appeal n° MDRRS011 Operations Update n° 5


Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:

This Operations Update no. 5 aims to report on the progress of the operation since the last Operations Update (published on 27 June 2017) for the period of 11 June 2017 to 31 August 2017, as well as to indicate the no-cost extension of the operation`s timeframe until 31 October 2017.

The extension of timeframe was decided based on the following factors:

DG ECHO has contributed to the Serbia: Population Movement Emergency Appeal an amount of EUR 1,750,000, out of which EUR 600,000 was made available at the beginning of 2017 with earmarking on food distribution in three centres of Pirot, Kikinda and Sombor. Although the number of migrants reached the planned figures in June 2017, the tendency reversed and these numbers started gradually reducing in the course of July and September. While there were 205 migrants in Pirot, 225 in Sombor and 249 in Kikinda as of 1 July, they gradually dropped to 155 in Pirot, to 119 in Sombor and to 197 in Kikinda by 23 August 2017.

The combination of the above factor and the ones listed in the Operations Update no. 4 is foreseen to result in a substantial amount of unspent DG ECHO funds at the end of the current timeframe of the implementation (30 September 2017). Following the submission of a Modification Request to DG ECHO, the no-cost extension of ECHO implementation timeframe was approved at the beginning of September 2017.

In order to ensure smooth continuation of the implementation under the DG ECHO action, which is the main activity under the EA currently, the harmonization of the timeframes has become essential.

Parallel to the above Modification Request Process with DG ECHO, IFRC Regional Office for Europe (ROE) has developed an annual migration operational plan with the National Society in order to ensure smooth transition from the Emergency Appeal to the annual plan. While the only activity implemented under the appeal is the food distribution, the RCS will continue with the implementation of the other services, such as provision of Psychological Support (PSS), anti-trafficking and Restoring Family Links (RFL) under the framework of the annual migration operational plan for 2017.