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Serbia + 10 more

Serbia Daily Update, 24 February 2016



  • Except for a single Afghan man arriving in the East, there were no arrivals or departures.
  • One train arrived to Sid at 17:35 but, due to thorough screening by Croatian authorities, boarding procedure took over nine hours and the train left only after the reporting period.


No one arrived during the reporting period at the Miratovac Refugee Aid Point (RAP) from fYRo Macedonia.

In the evening, 21 Iraqi refugees without Greek registration documents arrived in Miratovac RAP, reportedly from Sid. They were escorted by the Police to the fYRo Macedonia border to get registered with the new common registration form. Upon registration in fYRo Macedonia, they were re-admitted to Serbia.

Police, Gendarmerie, IOM, Philanthropy, Remar, Medical Center, UNHCR, MSF, DRC, World Vision, were present in the RAP. UNHCR/DRC/SPDE was also present during the reporting period with food, water and non-food items (NFIs), while UNICEF and Philanthropy/CRS were also ready to distribute other NFIs. The health clinic as well as the UNICEF/DRC child friendly space were open inside the RAP.

In Presevo Reception Centre (RC), some 39 persons with specific needs (PSNs) that arrived the day before were prioritized and assisted for the registration.

UNHCR, SCRM, Police, Medical Centre, ADRA, Red Cross, IOM, UNICEF/DRC, Caritas, DRC, BCM/CRS and Remar assisted refugees 24/7 at the RC. Natan, Humedica, Care international/Nexus, SOS Children, OXFAM 484, Global Medic were present during the day. Save the Children, APC, Youth for Refugees, Atina, Border Free, Mercy Corps and MSF were active outside the RC.

UNHCR and partners distributed 5 winter boots and 12 water bottles. Public Doctors, MSF, Humedica and Natan treated two and the Health Center Vranje was available to provide reproductive health services to refugees. The UNICEF/DRC/CSW child friendly space hosted three children and a woman.

15 refugees stayed overnight in two UNHCR Refugee Housing Units (RHUs), including seven Algerians that want to seek asylum in Serbia and eight Syrians. Five refugee were hosted outside the RC.


Only one Afghan man arrived in Dimitrovgrad and was taken into custody by the police. UNHCR, Sigma Plus, Red Cross, WAHA, and Divac Foundation were present with food, clothes and water inside the RAP. ADRA, DRC, Save the Children, Info Park, BCHR, Praxis and I’m Human Organization were present.


Over 240 refugees/migrants were assisted in Belgrade by UNHCR partners. They were mainly from Morocco, Algeria, Pakistan or Afghanistan but also few from Syria and Iraq.

Many sought aid in food, clothes, use of internet and referrals to various services, including hospitals, registration, asylum information and Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programme. SCRM, UNHCR/DRC, Red Cross and Refugee Aid Miksalište assisted them. Asylum Info Centre remained open 24/7. Caritas distributed food and clothes at the park near the railway. MSF offered primary health care and distributed NFIs. Approximately 32 refugees/migrants were present midnight in the city.

WEST In the morning a group of about 100 refugees gathered in a peaceful protest at Sid RAP. Some of them have spent more than a week in the RAP. The protest was organized to attract media attention and lasted for 30 minutes without any incidents.

At Sid train station, UNHCR/HCIT distributed 339 UNHCR blankets, 1,500 WFP HEB, 2,100 water bottles, 161 winter jackets, 94 boots, and 35 UNHCR bags. IDC/Sid Health Centre and WAHA treated 64. Approximately 600 refugees were hosted in the RAP.

Around 550 refugees were accommodated in Adasevci RAP and a new UNHCR RHU for women to change in privacy was set up. UNHCR, SCRM, Police, APC, Red Cross Serbia, MSF, CRS/Divac Foundation, BCM, Remar, OM and Czech Volunteers assisted refugees 24/7; World Vision, Intersos, Caritas, TDH, EHO, DRC and NSHC during the day. MSF provided medical assistance to 54 refugees and BCM/Sid Health Centre treated 93.

The UNICEF/ WV/CSW child friendly space hosted 160 children and 49 mothers. The Red Cross and Caritas distributed food on buses. Remar offered hot tea and soup. CRS/Divac Foundation distributed adult and children’s winter clothes and footwear.

In Principovac RAP, 301 refugees from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, were accommodated including 39 women and 47 children. UNHCR/HCIT distributed UNHCR blankets, boots, WFP HEB and water bottles. MSF, Mercy Corps and Czech Volunteers assisted them inside the RAP. They were all counselled on their right to seek asylum and/or AVR programme.