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Serbia + 1 more

OSCE opens human rights focus point office in Pristina

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Mission in Kosovo
PRISTINA, 4 February 2000 -- OSCE will open a new Human Rights Focus Point Office in Pristina on February 7, 2000. The office will provide local and international NGO's and residents in the Pristina region with information and advice on issues concerning human rights. The opening of the Focus Point office is a further step in OSCE efforts to monitor, protect and promote human rights in Kosovo for which OSCE has the mandate within UNMIK.

At the Focus Point Office, OSCE human rights officers can be contacted with questions and concerns and the office will also provide assistance and advice in human rights matters. The service is available both in Albanian and Serbian languages.

"We look forward to provide any assistance and support Kosovars may need in safeguarding, promoting and encouraging respect for everyone's human rights," says Mari Morth, the senior Human Rights Officer in the OSCE Pristina Regional Center.

The Human Rights Focus Point is located in the INEX Shop next to the OSCE Headquarters in Pristina and it will be open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. It is also possible to contact the office by phone, tel. 500 162, ext. 327.

Representatives of media and NGO's are welcome to the opening reception of the Focus Point Office at 11 a.m., Monday 7 February.

OSCE Press and Public Information Section
Kartner Ring 5-7
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
tel: +43 1/514 36 180