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Serbia + 1 more

KFOR Press Update: Mitrovica 09 Feb 2000

by Lt.-Cdr. Philip Anido, KFOR Spokesperson
Pristina, 09 February 2000

The security situation in Mitrovica was quiet overnight. A KFOR patrol reported that a hand grenade had exploded in a street, but there were no injuries or damage.

The nighttime curfew imposed by KFOR remains in place from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. This has encouraged people to return to their homes to spend a quiet night.

The principle objective of the multinational units of KFOR, now present in Mitrovica, is to provide the citizens in every corner of the city with a strong sense of security and an absence of crime and violence.

All local leaders, together with the international community, are charged with the great responsibility to protect all people from any further hatred and injury.

NIS Express Bus Stoned

Yesterday, KFOR Canadian troops and UNMIK Police escorted the express bus from Gracanica to Nis. They provide robust escort for the bus, including armoured reconnaissance vehicles, helicopter cover, infantry route patrol, and UNMIK police protection.

In the villages of Lebane, Luzare and Donje Lupcje children began throwing stones at the bus, which they have done several times before. While there were no injuries, the children have caused expensive damage to windows and metal siding.

KFOR has chosen only to scold the children at the scene, with great constraint until now. This time, the soldiers hastened some youngsters back to parents, and apprehended five who were handed over to UNMIK police. Police and military officers have spoken strongly to parents about the incidents.

Treasured Statue Toppled in Obilic

At about 11 p.m. on Monday night in Obilic, local Serbs reported to a KFOR Guard Posts at the nearby Orthodox Church, that vandals had toppled over the statue of Milos Obilic, which stood proudly in the town square. Unfortunately the statue was quite corroded and fragile and broke into a number of pieces.

There was thick fog in the area that night and the statue stood 80 metres from the static guard post. The visibility was only 5 metres.

KFOR engineers are examining the possibility of restoring the monument.

Suspected Smuggling

Yesterday afternoon, KFOR Greek troops stopped a truck that was in danger of blocking the road near the Blace border crossing. When the driver got out he asked to relieve himself and then disappeared.

The driver who was transporting a load of cigarettes is suspected of smuggling. The shipment has been impounded. UNMIK police are investigating.

Events and incidents in Kosovo during the last 24 hours:


Last night KFOR Military Police in Demjane (MNB West) reported that one Albanian man was killed and two others injured in a family dispute. Military Police are searching for the killer who is still at large.

Incidents and Injuries

Yesterday afternoon in Lipljan (MNB Centre), KFOR Finnish troops responded to an incident where a grenade was thrown into the garden of an unoccupied Serb house.

On Monday evening during a house search in Prizren (MNB South), UNMIK police confiscated an AK-47 rifle and a significant quantity of ammunition, which they handed over to KFOR Military Police. UNMIK police are investigating.

KFOR troops searched a house in Vlaski Drenovac (MNB South) and confiscated one rifle, two hand grenades, a pistol and a large quantity of ammunition. Two Albanian men were arrested.

Yesterday afternoon in Prizren (MNB South) KFOR troops arrested a man for suspected criminal activities. During a search of his house, drugs, ammunition and knives were found. UNMIK police are investigating.

Yesterday at noon in MNB West, KFOR troops at a vehicle checkpoint detained two Albanian men and confiscated a pistol and ammunition. KFOR Italian Military Police are investigating.

Yesterday evening, KFOR soldiers arrested two Albanian men in the village of Llucavci-Begut (MNB West) in separate incidents for robbery and other crimes.

Yesterday KFOR troops in Tizona (MNB West) conducted a major search and confiscated six AK-47's, three rifles, one hand grenade, a rifle grenade and ammunition. KFOR Military Police are investigating.

Last night a bomb threat was made against the radio station in Vitina (MNB East). KFOR US troops immediately evacuated the building and increased searches and patrols in the area. A sniffer dog searched the building and nothing was found.

Weapons Confiscated; Arrests Made

Late last night in Obilic (MNB Centre), KFOR Norwegian troops stopped two cars at a vehicle checkpoint. An illegal pistol was confiscated from one Albanian man. UNMIK police are investigating.

House Fires

Yesterday afternoon, KFOR patrols reported two house fires in unoccupied Serb houses, one in Kosovo Polje and the other in Malisevo (both MNB Centre).

Border Violation

Yesterday evening, six men tried to cross from Albania into Kosovo. A KFOR patrol forced them to turn back.

Curfew Violation in Prizren

Last night 14 people were detained for violating the midnight to 5 a.m. curfew.