Pristina, 04 April 2000
by Lt.-Cdr. Philip Anido, KFOR Spokesperson
Homemade Grenade Tragedy
Six 10-year old children were injured yesterday in Resnik, 15 km north east of Klina, when a homemade grenade they were playing with exploded. Four of the youngsters were severely wounded and were rushed by KFOR to the civilian hospital in Pristina. The other two were treated at the Italian military field hospital in Klina.
This shocking incident highlights, yet once again, the urgent need for KFOR, parents, teachers, and everyone who is involved in the education and care of children, to constantly repeat the dangers of playing with metal or unusual objects that are clearly not toys.
Environmental Stewardship
The 'clean city' project in Mitrovica, which has been initiated by KFOR French military engineers, and involves local citizens, is showing good results in the canal area and other locations in the city. Many piles of rubbish and discarded cars have been removed.
Key to the long-term success of a clean city environment is involvement and commitment of all local citizens of all ages. Their participation, together established rules for regular rubbish collection, will ensure that the city's neighbourhoods, streets and parks, will become places of pride for everyone.
The construction of a waste disposal site on the north side of the Ibar River is underway. The work will be supported by KFOR Italian engineer troops from MNB West who are bringing in two heavy earth moving vehicles.
Abandoned Baby Saved
An infant was found abandoned today along the highway near Duskaja Mahala, five kilometres north of Kacanik. Locals alerted KFOR US military police to the existence of the baby girl. She was suffering from exposure, but is now resting in stable condition in the Combat Support Hospital at Camp Bondsteel.
Events and Incidents During the Past 24 Hours
A KFOR patrol reported that a hand grenade had been thrown at an occupied Serb-owned house in Obilic (MNB Centre) last night. The roof and a parked car were damaged, but no one was injured. UNMIK police are investigating the case.
Last night KFOR Norwegian peacekeepers in MNB Centre apprehended three Albanian men in connection with arson. They were caught setting fire to a garage.
Weapons Confiscations
One assault rifle and four boxes of ammunition (120 rounds per box) were confiscated during a house search in the Pristina (MNB Centre) area.
A large quantity of ammunition was confiscated during a house search in Dakovica (MNB West). A Roma man was detained for questioning.