Courtesy translation
Rome,10 February 2000
The Farnesina has expressed approval for the decision, announced today by the United States and Great Britain, to lift the ban on flights to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in line with the recommendation advocated by Italy. This measure, which - Farnesina sources point out - the Italian government has been striving actively to achieve for some time, will help alleviate the hardship suffered by the people of that country. It also constitutes a sign of encouragement to the Serbian opposition in its progress towards forming a united front, which is a necessary precondition for the FRY's return to democracy to go ahead.
To this regard, Farnesina sources said, the decision will hopefully translate as soon as possible into concrete measures and be followed by a suspension of the petrol embargo, the effects of which are felt mainly by the civilian population. Such a move, the Farnesina points out, must however be accompanied by a tightening of sanctions that directly target the government in Belgrade such as restrictions on movement and measures of a financial nature.
The Farnesina also observes that the support being given to the Serbian people and to the democratic opposition must be taken forward with a realistic vision of what the International Community is able to do in order to prepare the way for Belgrade to secure a democratic government capable of becoming a positive part of the international community and of contributing, as such, to the stability of the Balkan area.