In Numbers
90,486 people assisted in September 2024
92,000 US$ cash-based transfers made in September
US$ 11.6 million six-month (October 2024 – March 2025) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
- Strengthening Resilience and Livelihoods: Several milestones were achieved in the Salouma project. A market player mapping was completed, and a Zero Energy Cooling Chamber (ZZEC) was established as a pilot site in Kayemor GIE, Kaolack. This is a storage chamber made or bricks and sand. Additionally, partners and beneficiaries received training on post-harvest handling and storage. The Salouma project, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, aims to create, sustain, and improve job opportunities for 75,724 young people in Senegal by addressing market access barriers in six regions.
- The “4R Rural Resilience Initiative” project, in partnership with the Green Climate Fund (GCF), has concluded. The project aimed to build climate resilience for food-insecure smallholder farmers through integrated climate risk management. Key milestones marking the project's end included drafting the Completion Report, initiating the final evaluation with stakeholder meetings, conducting a 10-day field visit to assess project impacts, and holding the final steering committee meeting in Kaolack.
- Nutrition: A chronogram for food assistance activities for people living with HIV (PLHIV) was developed. Beneficiary targeting was completed, and all involved public health stakeholders were trained, enabling the project to be launched.
- WFP participated in a national workshop revising the protocol for the management of acute malnutrition in accordance with the latest World Health Organizations (WHO) guidelines.
- General Food Distribution: Financial Service Provider (FSP) Wave’s performance was assessed to improve the partnership.
- The Cash Working Group, a coordination platform linking various humanitarian organizations and stakeholders to ensure effective and efficient cash-based assistance, held its monthly meeting.
- The monthly Cash Working Group meeting was held to validate several key aspects of the ongoing operations. The meeting confirmed the shortlist for the Financial Sector Intelligence (FSI) evaluation, a crucial assessment conducted every two years as part of the preparation for selecting and contracting the Cash-Based Transfer (CBT) program. The FSI evaluation serves two main purposes: it analyses the country's economic, regulatory, and financial sector environment to assess its readiness for CBT operations, and it provides a recommended list of FSPs based on a transparent evaluation process using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Finally, the group made the decision on the FSP selection for the food assistance for PLVIH project, marking an important step in the project's implementation.
- School Feeding (SF): WFP conducted a mission in collaboration with the Senegalese Agency for Reforestation and the Great Green Wall (ASERGMV) to assess the infrastructure of four schools targeted for phase 1 of the Model School Canteens Project, funded by Monaco, in the Kolda region. The mission also focused on identifying the need for fruit tree plantations across a total of 11 schools —seven from phase 1 and four additional schools included in this new phase of the project.