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Food Insecurity, DREF operation (MDRSN007)



Over five hundred thousand people are food insecure in Senegal. The north-east and central areas of Senegal are most affected by the poor rainy season and resulting drought. According to joint assessment conducted by the National Council of Rural Executives (CNCR), FAO, WFP, the SRCS and NGOs, 21 departments in 7 regions have been severely affected and need immediate food assistance and support. They include the regions of Kaffrine, Kedougou, Tambacounda, Louga, Linguère, Saint Louis and Matam.

Based on the situation, this DREF request focuses on providing support and assistance for six of the most affected departments (Saint Louis, Podor, Matam, Ranérou, Kanel and Dagana). Food assistance is urgently needed for the identified 500 most food insecure households in 3 departments (Matam, Ranérou and Dagana). A total of 200 households in Kanel and in Podor will receive unconditional cash grants targeting female-headed households. Other activities will also be included in this DREF focusing on improving food production in the affected community through agricultural inputs (fertilizer and seeds), farming tools (hoes, machetes, axes and shovels) in rural zone of Saint Louis (300 households). A total of 1,000 farming households will be reached, equating to some 7,600 beneficiaries.

This operation is expected to be implemented over 3 months, and will therefore be completed by 31 March 2012; a Final Report will be made available three months after the end of the operation (by 30 June 2012).