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Sao Tome and Principe

WFP São Tomé and Principe Country Brief, January – March 2024


In Numbers

US$ 2.2 million six-month (April 2024 – September 2024) net funding requirements

7,308 people assisted in March 2024

Operational Updates

  • In January, 90 small farmers - 28 women and 62 men - from CAMAVO and Uba Budo, took part in conflict management training. This training was facilitated and coordinated by WFP and held at the Agri-Livestock Technical Training Centre (CATAP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Fisheries. This was part of a joint project financed by the United Nations SDG Fund for Small Island Developing States. The project was implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Fisheries by the following agencies: ILO, United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA), United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).
  • Starting from 12 February, WFP began the process of assisting the Government in revising the School Feeding Manual. This manual is a crucial tool for the high-quality implementation of the National School Feeding and Health Programme (PNASE). Upon completion of the revision, it is anticipated that WFP, in collaboration with PNASE, will organize training sessions for school nutritionists and cooks on how to effectively use the manual.
  • In March, WFP, in collaboration with PNASE, commemorated the 9th African Day of School Feeding. This was marked by a reflective workshop focusing on the sustainability of PNASE. The workshop took into consideration the primary challenges the programme encounters in ensuring a hot meal for 180 school days. The event was held under the slogan ‘Investing in homegrown school feeding to transform education systems - for an inclusive and prosperous future for the African continent’. Distinguished participants at the event included the Minister of Education, various ambassadors, and the UN Resident Coordinator.