Key points
As of 4 November 2019 there have been 513 suspected measles cases with 48 laboratory confirmed cases.
To date, there has been three measles-related mortality; a 14-month old an 8-month old; and a 37-year old, all highly suspected measles and all awaiting laboratory confirmation
Of the 513 suspected cases, 62% are children less than 5 years of age; 10% age 5-14 years; 15% age 15-24 years; 7% age 25-35 years; 6% age 35 and above and 1% age not recorded.
83% (370) of suspected cases reside in Upolu and 15% (73) in Savaii;
38% (195) of the 513 suspected cases have been admitted to hospital,
76% (149) of all admissions are below 5 years old
Thank you to all the health facilities, wards and clinics that continue to report their data and strongly encourage all clinicians to kindly provide their reports to the IHR & Surveillance Division