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Situational Update No. 3: Measles cases presenting up until 3 November 2019 (Date of report: 5 November 2019)


Key points

  • As of 4 November 2019 there have been 513 suspected measles cases with 48 laboratory confirmed cases.

  • To date, there has been three measles-related mortality; a 14-month old an 8-month old; and a 37-year old, all highly suspected measles and all awaiting laboratory confirmation

  • Of the 513 suspected cases, 62% are children less than 5 years of age; 10% age 5-14 years; 15% age 15-24 years; 7% age 25-35 years; 6% age 35 and above and 1% age not recorded.

  • 83% (370) of suspected cases reside in Upolu and 15% (73) in Savaii;

  • 38% (195) of the 513 suspected cases have been admitted to hospital,

  • 76% (149) of all admissions are below 5 years old

  • Thank you to all the health facilities, wards and clinics that continue to report their data and strongly encourage all clinicians to kindly provide their reports to the IHR & Surveillance Division