In Numbers
1,406 mt of food assistance distributed to refugees as well as vulnerable Rwandans
US$ 621,769 transferred to refugees
US$ 5.5 million six months net funding requirement (October 2018- March 2019)
226,600 people assisted in September 2018
Operational Updates
• WFP provided lifesaving food assistance for almost 145,500 refugees living in six refugee camps across Rwanda in September, under the emergency food assistance, nutrition and school feeding programmes. This included the transfer of more than US$ 621,000 to refugees, enabling them to buy food of their choice in local shops and markets, and the distribution of 1,181 mt of in-kind food commodities.
• Furthermore, in its efforts to support Home Grown School Feeding in Rwanda, more than 81,000 Rwandan school children in 104 schools across the country received a daily hot meal in September. Some 225 mt of food commodities were distributed to schools during this period, with beans sourced locally from smallholder farmers. Additionally, in response to the poor school infrastructure and to provide sufficient space, storage, hygienic conditions for meal preparation and save energy, the programme finalized its second phase of kitchen and stove construction in 25 schools in Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe districts.
• All planned food assistance for assets activities were finalized in September, allowing over 60,000 smallholder farmers to use their assets (terraces, marshland, livestock) for food production. Going forward, the focus of the programme will be to provide the community with necessary skills and capacity to sustainably utilize the different types of assets that have been created.
• WFP supported the development of One UN joint workplans in September in line with the 2018-2023 United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP). WFP is also engaging in the development of joint programmes, which will be implemented jointly with other UN agencies to build on synergies and complementarity for better results.